Learn about the rebate programs offered
to our members.
Heat pumps provide both heating and cooling for your home and can lead to a lot of energy savings on their own. You may qualify for federal tax credits as well. Go to energystar.gov and click “Tax Credits for Energy Efficiency” for details. Fill out the form below to submit your Heat Pump rebate request.
** Please note that it may take up to 6 weeks from the time a complete application is received for the rebate credit to be applied to your bill.**
Energy Efficient Heat Pump Rebate Guidelines – This form provides an explanation of the criteria that must be met to qualify for the heat pump rebate and the additional information that should be included with the application.
Energy Efficient Heat Pump Rebate Request Form – Use this application form to request a heat pump rebate. Must be submitted within 60 days of unit installation. Please allow 4-6 weeks for processing once all forms are received.
We’re offering bill credits for:
≥ 16 SEER Minimum 7.5 HSPF2
≥ 17 SEER with ECM Minimum 8.8 HSPF
16 SEER with ECM Minimum 8.8 HSPF
15.2 SEER Minimum 7.5 HSPF
LED lightingRebate Program
Commercial and Industrial members who upgrade their light bulbs to more energy-efficient bulbs that meet the co-op’s standards will be eligible for “per unit” rebates. The rebate is based on how many watts, or units of energy, are saved with the new bulbs. For each watt saved, EnergyUnited will provide the member a rebate of $0.10. It may seem small but those cents add up. Replacing 20 465-watt bulbs with 20 high-bay fluorescent 221-watt bulbs would save 4,880 watts. That’s a total of $488.00!