For Immediate Release:
September 29, 2022
EnergyUnited Hosts Inaugural Ride and Drive EV Event to Celebrate National Drive Electric Week
STATESVILLE, N.C. – EnergyUnited hosted its inaugural ride and drive electric vehicle (EV) event, Driving Change, on Saturday, September 24 at the Career Academy and Technical School in Troutman.
Driving Change was the first EV event coordinated by the electric cooperative in celebration of National Drive Electric Week, which began on September 23 and lasts until October 2 this year. EV enthusiasts, car owners and industry groups participated in the event to raise awareness of the benefits of driving an electric vehicle.
“As a member-owned electric cooperative, EnergyUnited understands the value of education and research,” said Maureen Moore, communications manager for EnergyUnited. “Traditionally, cooperatives have played an important role in educating consumers during major transitional periods and EnergyUnited is committed to carrying this tradition forward as cooperative members consider the benefits of electric vehicles.”
Consumer education was a clear focus during the event, as dozens of attendees picked up brochures, informational flyers, met with industry officials and had the opportunity to test drive various electric vehicles. Additionally, more than 20 EV owners registered for the event and were on-site to share their personal thoughts and experiences.
While Driving Change marked the cooperative’s first experience hosting a ride and drive EV event, efforts are already underway to plan a similar event again next year.
About EnergyUnited
EnergyUnited Electric Membership Corporation (EMC) is the largest electric cooperative in North Carolina serving over 135,000 metering points. Headquartered in Statesville, EnergyUnited provides electric service in portions of nineteen counties in west central North Carolina which include Alexander, Cabarrus, Caldwell, Catawba, Davidson, Davie, Forsyth, Gaston, Guilford, Iredell, Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Montgomery, Randolph, Rockingham, Rowan, Stokes, Wilkes and Yadkin. Visit to learn more about the cooperative’s energy services and community programs.