This form should be used to report street lights in subdivisions or main thoroughfares that are out or are malfunctioning. Provide your name and contact number in case more information is required to complete the repairs. To report security light outages or problems at individual locations, please log in to the My EnergyHub portal from our home page. Once logged in to your account, click Report a Security Light Outage or Problem and complete the service request. To report a hazardous condition, please call EnergyUnited at 1-800-522-3793.
Please include the Field ID associated with the Security Light. This is a required field and provides the exact location of the security light. The Field ID is the number on the yellow tag on the security light pole. If the Field ID is unknown or missing enter 000000 in the text box below. A member support specialist may contact you for additional information if the Field ID number is not listed on your request, and this may delay repairs to the security light. Please provide a phone number or email address in case we need to reach you.