Surge Guard Protection

Surge Protection Warranty
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Surge ProtectionFAQs

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What is type 1 surge protection?

The TESCO Surge Guard Protection device is at the forefront of type 1 surge protection technology. Type 1 refers to a surge protection device that is installed on your home’s meter, where 20% of surges occur. It’s the first line of defense, guarding your home from external surges from the grid that can occur as a result of downed lines, line maintenance, lightning strikes and other events that occur outside of your home.

What are type 2 and type 3 surge protection?

Type 2 and 3 surge protection devices are for internal protection. While a Type 1 device provides essential protection from external surges, thus serving as a first line of defense, type 2 and 3 surge protection are also highly recommended for your home to safeguard against internal surges. Type 2 devices are installed on your main electrical panel, and type 3 devices include power strips (commonly used for electronics) and hardwired surge receptacles (used for large appliances). Since 80% of surges take place internally, type 2 and 3 safeguards are just as important as type 1 protection.

Why should I have a meter-based type 1 surge protector installed?

The absolute best protection for your home is to have all three types of surge safeguards in place. While type 2 and 3 devices can help guard against external surges that make their way into your home, meter-based TESCO Surge Guard Protection helps keep the external voltage from getting inside in the first place.

Please call 1‑800‑522‑3793 to learn more about residential surge protection and pricing.

*Please note that the Surge Guard equipment does not prevent or warranty damages as the result of a direct lightning strike, electric service interruption, or internal power surge.
